Once Upon A Time...
A Ted Talk called "Wisdom from great writers on every year of life" by Joshua Prager Summary: In this Ted Talk, Joshua discusses experts from books about the author's age. To begin, he claims that as he is just turning 44, it will b e his year because, in a 1968 book by Norman Mailer, he wrote "He felt his own age, forty-four ..." wrote Mailer in "The Armies of the Night," "... felt as if he were a solid embodiment of bone, muscle, heart, mind, and sentiment to be a man, as if he had arrived." Joshua explains how this may not have been written specifically for him, but how it can apply to all of those who read. He then goes onto reading many more experts, from different authors, about age and their life at that point in time. He examines how time moves almost slower, as we now live longer with modern medicine, and have more time to experience the wonders of life. The emphasis of quotes from an older age, ...