Netflix Suggestions
Suggestions For Lady Macbeth: House of Cards: In this all-american thriller, Frank Underwood is a congress member from South Carolina. He is promised a chair as the Secretary of State if he helped Garret Walker become elected as president. With a last minute change, Underwood and Walker's deal went away, leaving Underwood out to dry. Frank Underwood sets out to gain revenge for Garret Walker for not following through on his deal. Power, greed and corruption-a match made in heaven for Lady Macbeth. This reveals a lot about Lady Macbeth: such as her murderous personality that is fueled by greed for power, somewhat similar to Underwood. How to Get Away with Murder: Annalise Keating is a criminal law professor that teaches a class "How to get away with murder". As an assignment, she chooses 5 of her students to become her formal interns at her law firm. One night, Keating's husband is murdered by one of her students, setting up this s...